По состоянию на 25/03/2020 Секретариату известно 129 инвестиционных дела на основе ДЭХ (иногда вместе с двусторонним ивестиционным соглашением). Полный список известных дел доступен здесь
Поскольку стороны в инвестиционном арбитраже в соответсвии со статьёй 26 ДЭХ не обязаны уведомлять Секретариат о существовании или существе спора, некоторые решения (и даже некоторые дела) остаются конфиденциальными. Секретариат собирает данные (которые не могут считаться исчерпывающими) от делегатов и открытых источников информации (включая специализированные источники, такие как Global Arbitration Review –GAR–,Investment Arbitration Reporter –IAReporter– и ItaLaw). Секретариат не несёт ответсвенности за возможные ошибки или упущения в этих данных и приветствует любую дополнительную информацию или объяснения по конретным ситуациям (по адресу legalaffairs@encharter.orgили используяonline contact form)
>Subject matter of the dispute:Claims arising out of a dispute between the investor and Slovenia concerning the ownership and operation of the Krško nuclear power plant; particularly, alleged losses resulting from Slovenia's failure to resume electricity deliveries during a certain time period
>Invoked instruments: ECT and Croatia-Slovenia Agreement on Regulation of the Status and Other Legal Relations Regarding the Investment, Use, and Dismantling of Nuclear Power Plant Krško ("2001 Agreement")
>Amount claimed:EUR 29,472,307
>Amount awarded: ZERO*
>Costs of arbitration: EUR 563,214.01 advanced by respondent; claimant's advancement and total costs are not specified
* The claimant pleaded liability of Slovenia and sought same monetary relief based on two alternative legal bases: (i) 2001 Agreement; and (ii) ECT. Having found Slovenia liable under the 2001 Agreement, the tribunal dismissed alternative claim under the ECT.
> Follow-on proceedings :
Award upheld by ICSID annulment committee
> Year of registration :
>Subject matter of the dispute:Claims arising out of the seizure of two utility companies in respect of which the claimant held shares and the cancellation of electricity generation and distribution concession agreements
>Amount claimed:USD 10.1 billion
>Amount awarded: ZERO
>Costs of arbitration: USD 1,205,000
>Award legal costs: Respondent was awarded USD 15,000,000
>Award costs of arbitration: Costs follow the award
>Subject matter of the dispute:Claims arising out of Azpetrol International Holdings’s loss of its shares in local companies, after an Azerbaijan court decided the original purchase contract had been ineffective, and returned the shares to their former owner
>Amount claimed:Not specified
>Amount awarded: ZERO
>Costs of arbitration: Not specified
>Award legal costs: Each party bears its own legal costs
>Award costs of arbitration: Each party bears its own legal costs
>Subject matter of the dispute:Alleged breach of a contract to provide electricity services in the cities of Baku and Sumgayit for 25 years, which in turn led to criminal accusations against Barmek's managers for embezzlement, “abuse of office” and the illegal sale of electricity
>Subject matter of the dispute: Claims arising out of the alleged unilateral termination of certain concession agreements, followed by the alleged seizure and expropriation of assets of the two hydroelectric plants in which the claimant had invested without compensation
>Amount claimed: USD 4,648,157,411
>Amount awarded: ZERO
>Costs of arbitration: USD 400,000
>Award legal costs: Respondent was awarded USD 4,904,822.06
>Award costs of arbitration: Costs follow the award
>Subject matter of the dispute: Claims arising out of the seizure of two utility companies in respect of which the claimant held shares and the cancellation of electricity generation and distribution concession agreements
>Amount claimed: USD 3.8 billion
>Amount awarded: ZERO
>Costs of arbitration: USD 259,480
>Award legal costs: Respondent was awarded USD 3,907,383.14
>Award costs of arbitration: Costs follow the award
>Subject matter of the dispute:Hungary's termination of a power purchase agreement concluded with the investor, allegedly as part of the State's program for liberalizing its electricity market to comply with EU laws on State aid
>Amount claimed: N/A
>Amount awarded: ZERO
>Costs of arbitration: Not specified
>Award legal costs: Each party bears its own legal costs
>Award costs of arbitration: Costs follow the award
> Follow-on proceedings :
Award upheld by ICSID annulment committee
> Year of registration :
> Subject matter of the dispute:Government's reintroduction of administrative pricing pursuant to two Price Decrees (after administrative prices had been abolished), and the alleged resulting loss of revenue for the investor
>Amount claimed:Not specified
>Amount awarded: None
>Costs of arbitration: USD 887,839.04
>Award legal costs: Each party bears its own costs
>Award costs of arbitration: Parties share costs equally
>Subject matter of the dispute:Alleged government's failure to ensure the issuance of licenses pursuant to several hydrocarbon exploration agreements concluded with Tajikistan's State Committee for Oil and Gas
>Amount claimed:USD228,460,000
>Amount awarded: ZERO
>Costs of arbitration: EUR 524,977 EUR + SEK 8,125
>Award legal costs: Claimant was awarded EUR 300,000
>Award costs of arbitration: Respondent bears 75% of the costs