The Contracting Parties to this Treaty,
Having regard to the Charter of Paris for a New Europe signed on 21 November 1990;
Having regard to the European Energy Charter adopted in the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter signed at The Hague on 17 December 1991;
Recalling that all signatories to the Concluding Document of the Hague Conference undertook to pursue the objectives and principles of the European Energy Charter and implement and broaden their cooperation as soon as possible by negotiating in good faith an Energy Charter Treaty and Protocols, and desiring to place the commitments contained in that Charter on a secure and binding international legal basis;
Desiring also to establish the structural framework required to implement the principles enunciated in the European Energy Charter;
Wishing to implement the basic concept of the European Energy Charter initiative which is to catalyse economic growth by means of measures to liberalise investment and trade in energy;
Affirming that Contracting Parties attach the utmost importance to the effective implementation of full national treatment and most favoured nation treatment, and that these commitments will be applied to the Making of Investments pursuant to a supplementary treaty;
Having regard to the objective of progressive liberalisation of international trade and to the principle of avoidance of discrimination in international trade as enunciated in the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and as otherwise provided for in this Treaty;
Determined progressively to remove technical, administrative and other barriers to trade in Energy Materials and Products and Energy-Related Equipment, technologies and services;
Looking to the eventual membership in the World Trade Organization of those Contracting Parties which are not currently members thereof and concerned to provide interim trade arrangements which will assist those Contracting Parties and not impede their preparation for such membership;
Mindful of the rights and obligations of certain Contracting Parties which are also members of the World Trade Organization;
Having regard to competition rules concerning mergers, monopolies, anti- competitive practices and abuse of dominant position;
Having regard also to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Nuclear Suppliers Guidelines and other international nuclear non-proliferation obligations or understandings;
Recognising the necessity for the most efficient exploration, production, conversion, storage, transport, distribution and use of energy;
Recalling the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and its protocols, and other international environmental agreements with energy-related aspects; and
Recognising the increasingly urgent need for measures to protect the environment, including the decommissioning of energy installations and waste disposal, and for internationally-agreed objectives and criteria for these purposes