The Chairman concluded with respect to the future implementation of trade-related rules that there was a consensus among delegations that the Secretariat was to be invited to develop the elements for one implementation system based on the regime in the Trade Amendment. In particular, where the Trade Amendment foresees notification requirements and procedures, including with regard to Understanding 2 to the Amendment, they would follow WTO practice, provided that duplication of notifications with the WTO did not occur [...]
Finally, whenever necessary to maintain the principle of harmonious implementation of trade-related rules based on WTO practice, appropriate rules of procedure should include the elements necessary to achieve that aim.
Editor's note: document CC 124, point 13, of 24 May 1998 (not published). The Conclusion was drawn by the Chairman to the first Energy Charter Conference on 24 April 1998. The Conference agreed without objection to this conclusion.
(1) The provisions of this Article shall apply to trade in Energy Materials and Products and Energy-Related Equipment while any Contracting Party is not a member of the WTO.
(a) Trade in Energy Materials and Products and Energy-Related Equipment between Contracting Parties at least one of which is not a member of the WTO shall be governed, subject to subparagraph (b) and to the exceptions and rules provided for in Annex W, by the provisions of the WTO Agreement, as applied and practised with regard to Energy Materials and Products and Energy-Related Equipment by members of the WTO among themselves, as if all Contracting Parties were members of the WTO.
(b) Such trade of a Contracting Party which is a state that was a constituent part of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics may instead be governed, subject to the provisions of Annex TFU, by an agreement between two or more such states, until 1 December 1999 or the admission of that Contracting Party to the WTO, whichever is the earlier.
Notwithstanding the listing of paragraph 6 of article XXIV of the GATT 1994 in Annex W (A)(1)(a)(i), any signatory affected by an increase in customs duties or other charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation referred to in the first sentence of that paragraph, is entitled to seek consultations in the Charter Conference.
(a) Where a provision of [WTO]1 referred to in this paragraph provides for joint action by [Members of the WTO]2, it is intended that the Charter Conference take such action.3
1Editor's note: original "GATT 1947 or a Related Instrument", adapted by editors.
2Editor's note: original "parties to the GATT", adapted by editors.
3Editor's note: part (b) of the Understanding became irrelevant following the entry into force of the Amendment to the Trade-Realted Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty.
(a) Each signatory to this Treaty, and each state or Regional Economic Integration Organisation acceding to this Treaty before 24 April 1998, shall on the date of its signature or of its deposit of its instrument of accession provide to the Secretariat a list of all customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation of Energy Materials and Products, notifying the level of such customs duties and charges applied on such date of signature or deposit. Each signatory to this Treaty, and each state or Regional Economic Integration Organisation acceding to this Treaty before 24 April 1998, shall on that date provide to the Secretariat a list of all customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation of Energy-Related Equipment, notifying the level of such customs duties and charges applied on that date.
(b) Each state or Regional Economic Integration Organisation acceding to this Treaty on or after 24 April 1998, shall, on the date of its deposit of its instrument of accession, provide to the Secretariat a list of all customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation of Energy Materials and Products and Energy-Related Equipment, notifying the level of such customs duties and charges applied on such date of deposit.
Any changes to such customs duties or charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation shall be notified to the Secretariat, which shall inform the Contracting Parties of such changes.
(4) Each Contracting Party shall endeavour not to increase any customs duty or charge of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation:
(5) A Contracting Party may increase such customs duty or other charge above the level referred to in paragraph (4) only if:
(6) In respect of trade between Contracting Parties at least one of which is not a member of the WTO, no such Contracting Party shall increase any customs duty or charge of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation of Energy Materials and Products listed in Annex EM II or Energy-Related Equipment listed in Annex EQ II above the lowest of the levels applied on the date of the decision by the Charter Conference to list the particular item in the relevant Annex.
A Contracting Party may increase such customs duty or other charge above that level only if:
The Charter Conference shall conduct an annual review with respect to any possibility of moving items of Energy Materials and Products or Energy-Related Equipment from Annexes EM I or EQ I to Annexes EM II or EQ II
In particular, where the Trade Amendment foresees notification requirements and procedures, including with regard to Understanding 2 to the Amendment, they would follow WTO practice, provided that duplication of notifications with the WTO did not occur.
Editor's note: document CC 124, point 13, of 24 May 1998 (not published). The Conclusion was drawn by the Chairman to the first Energy Charter Conference on 24 April 1998. The Conference agreed without objection to this conclusion.
(7) Notwithstanding paragraph (6), in the case of trade referred to in that paragraph, Contracting Parties listed in Annex BR in respect of Energy Materials and Products listed in Annex EM II, or in Annex BRQ in respect of Energy-Related Equipment listed in Annex EQ II, shall not increase any customs duty or other charge above the level resulting from their commitments or any provisions applicable to them under the WTO Agreement.
The Charter Conference shall conduct an annual review with respect to any possibility of moving items of Energy Materials and Products or Energy-Related Equipment from Annexes EM I or EQ I to Annexes EM II or EQ II.
In the case of a signatory, not a member of the WTO, which is listed in Annexes BR or BRQ or both, any concession offered formally in the process of its accession to the WTO with respect to Energy Materials or Products listed in Annex EM II or Energy-Related Equipment listed in Annex EQ II shall, for the purpose of this Article, be regarded as a commitment under the WTO.
(8) Other duties and charges imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation of Energy Materials and Products or Energy-Related Equipment shall be subject to the provisions of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article II: 1(b) of the GATT 1994 as modified according to Annex W.
(9) Annex D shall apply:
Except that Annex D shall not apply to any dispute between Contracting Parties, the substance of which arises under an agreement that: