Natland Investment Group N.V., Natland Group Limited, G.I.H.G. Limited and Radiance Energy Holding S.à.r.l v. Czech Republic, PCA Case 2013-35

  • >Claimant : Natland Investment Group N.V.; Natland Group Limited; G.I.H.G. Limited; Radiance Energy Holding S.à.r.l
  • >Nationality : Netherlands, Cyprus, Cyprus, Luxembourg
  • >Respondent : Czech Republic
  • >Procedural rules applied : UNCITRAL (PCA)
  • >Chair : Alfredo Bullard (Veijo Heiskanen replaced)
  • Veijo Heiskanen
  • >Arbitrator appointed by Claimant : John Beechey (Gary Born and Doak Bishop replaced)
  • Gary Born (Doak Bishop replaced)
  • >Arbitrator appointed by Respondent : Christopher Thomas
  • >Invoked instruments : ECT and BIT
  • >Case status : Pending
  • >Year of registration : 2013

  • >Subject matter of the dispute: Legal reforms affecting the renewable energy sector
  • >BIT invoked: Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union-Czech Republic BIT, Netherlands-Czech Republic BIT, Cyprus-Czech Republic BIT
  • >Amount claimed: estim. EUR 50-70 million
  • >Amount awarded: N/A
  • >Costs of arbitration: N/A
  • >Award legal costs: N/A
  • >Award costs of arbitration: N/A



20 December 2017 - Partial Award on Jurisdiction and Liability

ANNULLMENT PROCEEDINGS (Partial Award on Jurisdiction and Liability)
