
ENERGY CHARTER SECRETARIAT Keywords: Annexes, EM I, NI, EQ I, Harmonized Commodity Description, Coding System, Trade and Transit, technical changes, Article 34(3)(m), Article 36(1)(e) Brussels, 6 December 2013 DECISION OF THE ENERGY CHARTER CONFERENCE Subject: Technical changes to Annexes EM I, NI and EQ I due to the evolution of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System At its 24 rd Meeting held on 5 th /6 th December 2013, the Energy Charter Conference, Recognizing that the changes to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System that took place in 2002, 2007 and 2012 affect Annexes EM I, NI and EQ I of the Energy Charter Treaty, Acknowledging the work and discussions carried out during Trade Experts and Trade and Transit Group meetings in the course of 2012 and 2013, Aiming at providing transparency and predictability in applying the provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty, Taking into account the strictly technical character of the proposed changes of Annexes EM I, NI and EQ I without change of material scope, Based on Article 34(3)(m) and 36 (1)(e) of the Energy Charter Treaty, Has decided to approve technical changes to Annexes EM I, NI and EQ I to the Energy Charter Treaty by laying out the headings where the changes in wording are made as follows: CCDEC 2013 17 TTG Related documents: CC 472